City Bus

Riding the city bus

Right now I’m the most beautiful person

In the whole world

My hair is wind-blown

My beard is too long

I have tobacco stains on my fingers

I have a cut on my hand

And a stain on my pantleg

My spine is crooked

And I walk with a limp

But from the looks of things here

I am a super model

I see a homeless man with a paper bag

An old woman with eight shopping bags

A sad boy with a crumpled piece of paper

A dirty little girl clutching a doll with no head

I see a man sleeping in the back

A woman with a bad case of gout

And a lady who is perfectly content

Talking with herself

That’s when I comprehend completely

This bus is an ugly place

And I am the best looking person here

Life may not be grand

But it could be much worse

It’s cold outside, but I have a coat

I have money in my pocket

Food in my stomach

In twenty minutes I’ll be at the bar

So drinks aren’t far away, either

I have enough cigarettes to last the night

And I am the most beautiful person

In the whole wide world

When you look at it

From where I sit

© Dicky J Loweman 2104



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